Amir Peres Law

Adv. Amir Peres is one of the leading professionals in the field of real estate in Israel, a former partner and senior consultant in the real estate department of the law firm Herzog Fox Ne’eman, who developed and led the purchasing groups and urban renewal department at the firm. Peres currently accompanies and accompanies many large-scale residential and office projects, both as part of an entrepreneur and as part of purchasing groups, as well as residential construction projects within the framework of the urban renewal system (evacuation of construction and NAP 38). , Ranging from the legal implementation of real estate assets in the framework of the acquisition of rights, consulting in the field of taxation, financing and obtaining banking assistance, planning and construction, agreements with contractors and suppliers, marketing and sale agreements to registration.

Real Estate Transactions

Our firm has extensive experience in representing a variety of different real estate transactions. We know and represent all relevant parties in real estate transactions, including contracting and entrepreneurial companies, private entrepreneurs, private investors and financial institutions, in complex projects, acquisition groups, and more. Amongst the areas that the firm handles are residential real estate projects, commerce, offices, industrial parks, and so on.

Throughout the year, we handle transactions amounting to hundreds of millions of Israeli shekels, and with various complications according to the quality of the transaction and the conduct of the Israeli market or outside it. Our firm's expertise in real estate transactions, allows us to provide a thorough and comprehensive service for local and overseas transactions, combination transactions, urban renewal in its various fields including evacuation and construction, acquisition groups, management of sale and purchase transactions, lease and rent agreements, etc.

As part of the services that the firm provides for our clients, we come up with a comprehensive solution that takes into account the entire process that the client must go through, from checking the adequacy and profitability of the transaction, through escorting committees, to banking assistance, to final real estate registration.

Planning and Construction

The planning, construction and real estate laws in Israel are complicated, and require professional knowledge at the highest level in order to achieve the goals and aims of the project in a money-saving and efficient manner, whether it is an entrepreneur or an individual tenant.

Present real estate laws in Israel are enforced through regulations and orders that determine the form of conduct required in each and every subject.

Our firm specializes in planning and construction law, and will provide you with legal assistance, in all areas related to planning and construction procedures, developers and bodies of investment, and accompanying ongoing activities before planning and building committees – both local and regional.

On our part, the assistance already begins in the initial stage in which the transaction is formed. Starting early helps us provide a prior answer to legal and planning questions, and clearly lay out the route for the client and the accompanying needs that will help us help you along the entire process.

In addition, we handle city building plan changes on a regular basis, simultaneous to

our work in handling and representing matters of levies improvement and consolidation and division procedures (parcellations).

Real Estate Taxes

The Real Estate Tax Law is an old law from the 1960s, which has undergone countless i adjustments to suit the real estate field today. The law deals with two parties – the seller, and the buyer – and for this reason it consists of two taxes: capitals gain tax and purchase tax. Paying these taxes, the right way and on time, is critical for completing the transaction, validating it,

and its registration at the Land Registry.

The law is very complex and branched, updating according to the current real estate market. Therefore, it includes conditions and situations in which the various taxation costs can be reduced, making the tax burden significantly shrink. Our firm, who specializes in real estate taxation, is here to help just with that. With professional and in-depth knowledge in the field of taxation and all of its divisions, we offer our customers a service of incomparable quality.


We have many years of experience in managing and leading procedures related to real estate taxation, T.M.A 38 (תמ״א 38) projects, clearance and construction, purchase and combination transactions and others. In every field, in relation to what is acceptable and what is possible, we find the best fitting tax plan for each client with a goal of reducing in any way possible the final tax liability that will be imposed on him.

Urban Renewal and Evacuation for Construction

Urban renewal is a recent major pushing factor in the Israeli real estate market in the past couple of years. As the construction area in city centers shrinks, the place and fund of the area will only increase.

Our firm has been operating in the field of urban renewal and evacuation for construction for many years and has implemented dozens of projects in the field both with TMA 38 and with the field of evacuation for construction. These are multi-party transactions and interests (between tenants, developers, contractors, etc.), relating to different and separate legal areas (Taxation, Planning and Building Law, Financing and Banking, Committees, and more), with different fundamental conditions whereas each project holds its own complications.

Over the years, we have accumulated extensive and comprehensive knowledge in the field, which allows us to offer an unrivaled service in the market when it comes to the effective promotion of projects under urban renewal, against all of the relevant parties. We take into account the limitations of the property itself, future tax arrangements and their planning, dates and ways of presentation before the various committees, treatment with the tenants of the property and with the various work teams that come in during the project. We provide uncompromising service and support to every possible party in the project, whether it is representing the property owner and preparing for his interests throughout the project, or developers and contractors who take risk in every project in the field and need support and protection from the first moment until the very end of the process.

Over the years and today we represent entrepreneurs, tenants and contractors in TMA 38 transactions of different types and evacuation for construction in many cities such as Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Holon, Bat Yam, Rishon LeZion, Givatayim, Jerusalem, Ramat Hasharon and much more, amounting to thousands of housing units.

Commercial and Civil Litigation

Whether it is commercial or civil litigation, the lawyer and the firm behind it are required a high level of representation, in order to properly represent your arguments and interests in court.

Our firm specializes in commercial and civil litigation, with many years of knowledge of the Israeli legal system's conduct on the various courts (peace, regional, supreme), and with many successful cases representing clients and achieving their wanted outcomes, both outside and inside the courts.

Together, while carefully reviewing the chronology, facts, and allegations arising from the case, a comprehensive legal strategy will be constructed. We find the necessary steps to continue forward by examining similar cases, the opposing side, and the various options facing the client at the point in time in which they reached us. We will provide you with our expertise in a variety of litigation fields.

Over the years we have successfully represented many companies, entrepreneurs from various fields, businessmen, freelancers, and more. For each client, we built a dedicated strategy, and together we went out on defense or attack with full force, until the ultimate result was achieved.

Acquisition Groups and Project Management

An acquisition group is a popular transaction in the Israeli market for many different reasons, but alongside the viability, there is some aspect of complication because it is not an actual purchase of an apartment, but the construction of an apartment together with other people in the same group. In addition, the protections of the Sale Law do not apply to the buyer in the way that would have been applied in the situation of purchasing an ordinary apartment.

For these and other reasons, any purchasing group project requires an attorney who will protect the rights of the building members / buyers who are interested in purchasing an apartment in an existing group, from the beginning of the process until the end with a key in hand.

Our firm has extensive experience in the field of acquisition groups, with its various versions over the years and the adjustments that have taken place in it, and we offer our clients a comprehensive service in the field, which includes: agreements between group members, preparation of project centers, assistance and agreements between professionals involved in the project (top-level contractors, and other professionals raising the project).

In this way, with constant and supervised assistance on the process, while taking into account all the risks and complications involved in such projects, we can help you avoid an ineffective work process and produce an ongoing and effective one. Our goals are to bring about a successful completion of the project, and to satisfy tenants while also maintaining their rights.

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